March 2025
Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings in the Mighty Name above every name Jesus Christ. I appreciate the opportunity to minister the Word of God that He has given me for this moment in time. I also appreciate all your love, prayers and support. We are in this together and the Lord is expanding our territory even as I write this letter. We have so much hope for our First Nations people. I believe the Glory of the Lord has begun to fill our meetings. Even when there is just a few people, there is such an atmosphere of love in His presence. As much as we desire to see nations healed and set free, He desires it abundantly more. His Grace and Mercy are so profound, and they are ready and waiting to be received.
As I was praying and seeking His heart on what to minister this last month, He told me that He is preparing the church. Now preparing it for the last days, rather, preparing it in these last days. He said, “did you notice I said days, not weeks, months or years. The church has really woken up, especially in the last 4-5 years. We have all received an understanding to wickedness that has been playing out in the darkness, and it has been overwhelming at times. This end time Glory that we are going to experience is going to need our participation. These days of the Latter and Former outpouring of the Holy Spirit is in not only our participation, but also in our expectancy. I can feel the Father’s excitement and when you think about it He has been preparing the church for generations. Are you not taken by excitement that you are a chosen one to experience it. I have feasted on stories of revivals, on moves of God around the world, and that is exciting enough, but when I started reading and listening to the visions Father God gave some of our Prophets on what it will be like, I am so ready.
For us to carry out our portion of this move we must be absolutely confident on these two things. One is “Who We Are In Christ”. The other is what it means to be righteous. To understand one of these is to understand the other of these. You can’t have one without the other. Without an understanding and a heart that receives these truths we can’t walk in the power. Why? Because we hinder ourselves by looking at our human imperfections and not the new creation that we are. The bottom line is keeping our eyes on Jesus, listening and being led by the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, we give too much room to satan to steal our confidence in being used mightily by God.
There are 130 verses about being in Christ, so there are 130 truths that He wants us to know. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, you always triumph in Christ, Victory is yours in Christ, Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law and redemption is yours in Christ just to name a few. These truths are strength in our soul and a reminder that it is all about being and staying “In Christ!”
Finally, Righteousness. It simply means to be in right standing with God. This righteousness is a gift from God and allows us to live in a state of divine favor, and now we are accepted and approved. You know what is as dangerous as pride? Low self-esteem. It holds us back from walking in our authority because it keeps our eyes on ourselves and what we have done, can do, or are capable of instead of what the Holy Spirit can do through us. There can never be a total yielding to Him.
Jesus according to Ephesians 5:27 is coming to present to Himself a Glorified church. It’s time for us to receive what Jesus paid the price for us to walk in.
I pray this encouraged you.
You are loved,
Dr. Debra Bennett