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December 2024

Dear Family and Friends,


            Greetings at this most special time of year. I pray that the Grace and Peace from our Father and Lord Jesus is keeping you and you are enjoying this beautiful season we are in. It is hard to believe that it is December. This year has gone by faster than I can ever remember a year flying by. I absolutely love this time of year. I love the fact that life slows down a little here because it’s too cold to work outside. which leaves time for special fellowship with people that we love, but most of all I love to reflect on the birth of our Savior. I know His birthday wasn’t really December 25, however, it gives us a moment to appreciate that the tangible love of our Father stepped down out of heaven to save us all. I have learned so much more about what it was like at the time Jesus came to earth, and about the people who were involved. It strengthens my faith in the truth that God planned out our lives long before we were sent to earth to do our part for the Kingdom. Let me share just a few things that I believe will bring the Christmas Story more to life.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was born to a couple much like other couples in the Bible. They were up in their years and had never had a child. Her father was a Schroll scholar in a Synagogue outside Nazareth in a bustling new city called Sephora. They asked the Lord for a child and promised to dedicate the child to him. So, Mary knew scripture and the prophesies about the coming of the Messiah. Joseph, in the Bible says was a carpenter. In Greek this word is Tecton. It describes one who is highly advanced in their trade. Mary’s parents watched him and chose him for their daughter. He didn’t just catch the eyes of her parents for being a person of integrity, but he caught the eye of our Father. He was chosen to be the stepfather to our Savior. It is written that he was faithful in keeping all the Jewish laws and he obeyed to do whatever was asked of him by God. Then there are the shepherds that the Angel of the Lord appeared to and declared the birth of Jesus. They went on to be the first evangelist testifying to the beginning of the Gospel. And what about the Host of Angels? Do you realize that not only was its God’s whole army of angels that came to earth that night, but it was the first time they were able to look into the face of Jesus. WOW!!! My favorite is the Maji! The reason is, and this goes for the whole story of the birth of Jesus, is how predestined we all are, but not only are we predestined as far as our purpose here on earth, the story of the Maji shows us that we already, before we touched down here, had every provision we would need to fulfill what He will ask of us. Maji were the most powerful men on earth at the time, and the wealthiest. They had the power to make kings and take them off their throne. They had been watching the stars to let them know when the King of Kings and Lord of Lords was born. This was not 3 wise men on camels with gifts of incense, gold and myrrh. These Maji traveled with armies that protected them and the wealth they brought was to kings at their birth, but never before had such a King been born, so there were at the least hundreds of Maji together to bring Jesus everything He needed in His life. So is it with us. In these days ahead I believe our camels are coming with provision. Time is short. Jesus will be calling us up soon. There has been an awakening in the church and a unity is forming. We are ready to bring in the end time harvest of believers. The provision will not delay, it will find us the same way it found our Savior! Glory to His Holy Name! From all of us at Covenant of Faith we wish you the Most Wonderful Christmas and Prosperous New Year!     


You are loved,

            Dr. Debra Bennett

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