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2024 Word of the Lord

Received by Callie Bennett

This is it!

Season of Fire! Season for fire, season for miracles, season for healings like never before!


Increase in the anointing


Power and fire, higher

Coming up higher

Coming up higher than ever before

Be expecting, be expecting

New things, New things!

Exciting things!

New open doors!

Wave after wave, you’ll be astonished!

Joy beyond compare! Joy unexplainable! Turning mourning into dancing, sorrows into joy!

Inexplicable Joy! Joy Joy Joy of the Holy Ghost! Times of refreshing for the weary soul, times of healing, times of deliverance, times in My Presence!

Times of refreshing like never before! Unfailing, never ending flow, outpouring, never unending outpouring of the flowing just one after the other and the other and the other and the other to overflowing for cups running over with joy, power, and fire! 

Year of the Joy, Power, and Fire!

From that joy flows healing, from that joy flows the salvation, from that joy flows the deliverance and times of refreshing. For the restless soul, for to be made whole.

To be made whole, whole, whole, whole, I want the body Whole!  Whole as one piece! Whole as one body, working in unity! Mending and molding, moving and syncing together, flowing in unity. Syncopated blessing. The outpouring the outpouring the outpouring and drinking and drinking and drinking and drinking to overflowing. I want my Body overflowing, overflowing, overflowing! To be a blessing, to be a blessing! 

Thats My heart! 

Put the words together thats my heart!

For out of the abundance of my heart flows my speaking to those who are listening. 

Come up higher and see, come up higher and flow, come up higher and see and I’ll tell you things to come. I’ll show you things.

Healing to be made whole, healing to be made whole. Whole is the goal. Whole is the goal. Whole is the goal!

2024 Word of the Lord

Received by Pastor Ellson Bennett

2024 like never before….This is it!


Many, many, many continue to ask…

How long must we wait?

How long will you allow our enemies to triumph over us?

Have you forgotten us?

When are you going to move on our behalf?

Our hearts are heavy with all the sorrows around us. 

But I tell you this day again, THIS IS IT, Blessing after Blessing.

There shall be manifestations of victories everywhere you look.

The former days of grief, sorrows, failures and shame shall no longer be remembered,

Wipe it from your minds. This is it!

Trust in my grace. 

It’s time to activate your faith. 

As you look into the natural realm you will see the fulfillment of sin and curse to the unjust.

But for My people, it is time for the fulfillment of My word, My promises and

blessing after blessing, miracle after miracle, victory after victory!



2023 Word of the Lord

Received by Pastor Ellson December 2022

It's beyond all expectations.

The day has come…

I will work a work beyond men’s understanding and expectations. 

I will accelerate things, that needs to be accelerated. 

I will decelerate things, that needs to be delayed. 

I will bring life to those things that need life. 

I will make everything right again. 

For I have already made a way, where there is no way. 

Rest in my peace and trust my ways. 

And you shall see my provision day after day. 

So rejoice and be glad for I have already set you up for extraordinary victories!



Lady Liberty.... will be made whole just like the woman with the issue of blood in the Bible. She had the issue of blood for years. Many had try to help her and spend all she had,but rather grew worse. She was in quarantine and then she stepped out in faith. She walked through the mob of people, maybe even riots. She kept her eyes and her faith on Jesus. By faith she reached out to Jesus and was made whole. She continued to tell of how God shed amazing grace on her to the world. 


Received by Pastor Ellson June 4th, 2020

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